Empreendimentos. Encontre seu imóvel! Ed. Altha Dortmund. Luxemburgo - Belo Horizonte. 96,55m². 3 quartos sendo 1 suíte master com closet e 2 semi suítes. 2 ou 3 vagas livres.

Artha graha building is an A grade office building ±42.000 sqm semi-gross of prime rental space established in year 1995 (the first completed building in SCBD). The 29 story office tower is currently occupied by prestigious local and international companies from various industries such as telecommunications companies, financial institution ...
Bank Artha Graha Internasional telah meletakkan dasar dan senantiasa memperkokoh fondasi keberlanjutan demi terwujudnya pertumbuhan usaha jangka panjang dan berkontribusi dalam pembangunan berkelanjutan. Secara bertahap Bank akan meningkatkan kinerja melalui pengembangan bisnis, perbaikan produktivitas, …
Bank Artha Graha Internasional has laid the foundation and continues to strengthen the foundation of sustainability for the realization of long-term business growth and contributing to sustainable development. Gradually the Bank will improve performance through business development, productivity improvement, service improvement, and
Artha Graha Network (or "AG Network) is the name that we use to describe the extensive network of companies, institutions as well as individuals, both affiliated and non-affiliated, which are bound together by a common vision. The network's business scope expands across a wide range of industries and sectors throughout Indonesia.
Memberikan solusi keuangan yang komprehensif dan inovatif. Meningkatkan jangkauan serta kualitas pelayanan melalui digitalisasi dan inklusi keuangan. Mengembangkan sumber daya manusia yang handal dan berdedikasi. Menjalankan tata kelola perusahaan yang baik serta peduli terhadap masyarakat dan lingkungan.
Artha Graha Network (or "AG Network) is the name that we use to describe the extensive network of companies, institutions as well as individuals, both affiliated and non-affiliated, which are bound together by a common vision. The network's business scope expands across a wide range of industries and sectors throughout Indonesia.